Weblog: The Secret Source of Google’s Power
From the entry:
Google has taken the last 10 years of systems software research out of university labs, and built their own proprietary, production quality system. What is this platform that Google is building? It’s a distributed computing platform that can manage web-scale datasets on 100,000 node server clusters. It includes a petabyte, distributed, fault tolerant filesystem, distributed RPC code, probably network shared memory and process migration. And a datacenter management system which lets a handful of ops engineers effectively run 100,000 servers. Any of these projects could be the sole focus of a startup.
Author: vanevery
Webcams go mobile
EarthCam Mobile – Webcam Service for Mobile Phones – MyCam
The clearinghouse for webcams has a mobile service. I am still waiting for the mobile to mobile service and software but this is a start.
From the site:
EarthCam, the leading network of live webcams, is now available on any web-enabled mobile device.
Tracking the tools that decentralize the media.
It’s a group blog that I am particpiating in.. Turning out to be a great resource for tracking the next generation media tools and technology.
The other one…
Intro to the NetBeans IDE
The foundation for Sun’s development environment (Sun ONE Studio or something to that effect) is NetBeans (formerly known as Forte for Java) an Open Source development environment focused on Java.
Here is what they say:
The NetBeans IDE is a development environment – a tool for programmers to write, compile, debug and deploy programs. It is written in Java – but can support any programming language. It is a free product with no restrictions on how it can be used.
In case you didn’t know..
eclipse project FAQ
Eclipse is the open source IDE that has been taking the world by storm well not really but it is highly thought of and becoming very well rounded (I am told).
Here is what they say in the FAQ:
The Eclipse Platform is an open extensible IDE for anything and yet nothing in particular. The Eclipse Platform provides building blocks and a foundation for constructing and running integrated software-development tools. The Eclipse Platform allows tool builders to independently develop tools that integrate with other people’s tools so seamlessly you can’t tell where one tool ends and another starts.
Open Source QuickTime for Objective C effort Project Info – QTKit
From the site:
Tired of waiting for Apple to really support QuickTime in Cocoa? QTKit is a project by and for Cocoa developers to provide full access to QuickTime from ObjC.
Somewhat similar to a project that I am involved in, OpenQTJ. In response to Apple’s lame current QuickTime for Java build. Oh yeah, visit for more.
A new phone platform (based on Java)
SavaJe – Company
From the site:
SavaJe OS is an operating system and applications platform for mobile phones and wireless devices. Key design goals for the platform are:
ï A universal, open platform for mobile phones
ï The optimal platform for running Java applications
ï Provide complete security for resident, distributed and downloaded applications
ï Enable a deep and richly customizable user interface and allow application branding by OEM and/or operator
Alternatives to Real, QuickTime and much more
Final Builds Site
From the site:
The K-Lite Mega Codec Pack includes the K-Lite Codec Pack Full, QuickTime Alternative, Real Alternative and BSplayer.
– K-Lite Codec Pack 2.25 Full
– QuickTime Alternative 1.32
– Real Alternative 1.22
– BSplayer 1.00.807
Better touching
Raging Menace – SideTrack
From the site:
SideTrack is a replacement driver for the trackpad (touchpad) found on Apple PowerBooks and iBooks. It brings many of the advanced trackpad features found on Windows laptops to MacOS X.
Adam Wilt’s DV – FAQ and more
The DV, DVCAM, & DVCPRO Formats — tech details, FAQ, and links.
He has created a nice online non-commercial resource for everything DV. Plenty of technical information.
From the site:
I got tired of answering the same old questions over and over again. By putting ’em all on the web, I can say “just go read my FAQ”