oreilly.com — Online Catalog: Linux Unwired
Anyone want to buy this book for me?
From the description:
Linux Unwired is a one-stop wireless information source for on-the-go Linux users. Whether you’re considering Wi-Fi as a supplement or alternative to cable and DSL, using Bluetooth to network devices in your home or office,or want to use cellular data plans for access to data nearly everywhere, this book will show you the full-spectrum view of wireless capabilities of Linux, and how to take advantage of them.
Author: vanevery
Who wants to play Pac Manhattan
Pac Manhattan
This looks like fun, the pictures of Dens are hilarious. Hope they put up the videos soon!
From the site:
Pac-Manhattan is a large-scale urban game that utilizes the New York City grid to recreate the 1980’s video game sensation Pac-Man. This analog version of Pac-man is being developed in NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications graduate program, in order to explore what happens when games are removed from their “little world” of tabletops, televisions and computers and placed in the larger “real world” of street corners, and cities.
Electronic Citations, from the Columbia Guide to Online Style
About the Columbia Guide to Online Style
A reference for standard bibliographic references can be found at: Writers’ Workshop at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
The internet will kill television news?
Internet will kill of Television News – an essay
Very interesting essay. For my views on this topic checkout Interactive Tele-Journalism.
mini GNU/Linux distro for the Via EPIA boards
Yea! Now I will have something to do with my M-10000 once my thesis is done ;-)
From the site:
Freepia is a small GNU/Linux distribution designed to run on Via Epia-M Mainboards. It currently runs on the M-9000 and M-10000 (ezra and nehemiah cpu) but with some modifications like kernel and X11 modules it should run on others too. (if someone has get it running on other Epia¥s let me know). The main motivation behind this project is to build a full featured, low noise media box to play movies/mp3s/images etc. For this it uses freevo but in the future there maybe support for others like mythtv or vdr.
Cloning NT
ReactOS – Home
From the site:
ReactOS is an Open Source effort to develop a quality operating system that is compatible with Windows NT applications and drivers.
Does Television have a future..
The Future of Television
Of course it does… Dave Lennie has an interesting blog: “television will be very different in just 5 years”
Ambient chandeliers!
Yahoo! News – Chandeliers shaken by crystal SMSs
From the article:
“It’s time to shake up the industry. There are too many chandeliers around with no life and soul — just expensive cookie-cutter designs,” said Nadja Swarovski, grand-daughter of the company’s founder and vice president of communications.
A snippet of what is to come for Forbes readers..
Yahoo! News – Is TV Next?
They say that the internet is a “problem” for TV.. Hmmn, I would welcome a bit of a shake up, perhaps only those companies willing to embrace the technology and social power of the internet will survive. Wouldn’t that be nice..
From the article:
The problem is, the Internet is one big dumb pipe. It doesn’t know or care whether it is carrying a Web page, a phone call or a sitcom. It’s a pipe, in other words, perfectly designed for whacking established industries over the head.
YASNS Meta List
YASNS Meta List – The Social Software Weblog – socialsoftware.weblogsinc.com
The Yet Another Social Networking Service list.