Joi Ito’s Web: Will airtexting BlackBerry become the mobile hecklebot?
From the site:
By waving the Nokia 3220 camera phone from side to side, the LED lights of the Nokia Xpress-on FunShell light up to “write” a message that appears to float in mid-air.
Author: vanevery
Everything LCD
LCD Intro
including the famed LCD Hyper-email discussion group
My favorite Brooklyn Heights take-out place
International Country Calling Codes
Hot Spot in a Box
Boingo Wireless – Hot Spot in a Box
From the site:
The Boingo‚Ñ¢ “Hot Spot in a Box” will enable you to quickly and easily offer commercial high-speed Wi-Fi Internet service in your location and start earning revenue right away! Enabling the Boingo “Hot Spot in a Box” at your venue will put you on the cutting edge of technology, attract new patrons to your location and make you money!
Need a Max object, look here:
Max Objects Database
From the site:
We all waste time in looking for objects and unless having the memory of a genius, it’s impossible to keep in mind all of them and what they are designed for.
Aerial photo madness
NPR : Database Nation
From NPR:
May 4, 2004 — As subscribers pull the June Reason magazine out of their mailbox, something about the issue should look familiar. The magazine published 40,000 individualized covers displaying an aerial photo of the subscriber’s home and the surrounding neighborhood.
Grants grants and more grants
Go international
Arts International-About AI
Showing work overseas, Art Internation can help:
Creation of Projects & Partnerships that help to identify, develop, and circulate new work crossing borders worldwide.
Development of Advised Funds and Regranting Programs that provide support to artists and arts organizations engaged in international work.
Use of New Technologies & Media to share information, reach new audiences, educate and serve the public, and create connections among artists and cultural organizers around the world.
Wearables conference
ISWC ’04
Colocated with IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality
From the site:
ISWC 2004, the eighth annual IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers, will bring together researchers, product vendors, fashion designers, textile manufacturers, users, and all other interested parties to share information and advances in wearable computing. We invite you to attend ISWC 2004 and submit to one or more of the following categories: papers, posters, demonstrations, tutorials, and exhibits.