Author: vanevery
BBC R&D releases new open source codec
In the very early stages but looks interesting..
The souce is available on SourceForge.
Will YOU vote for ANYBODY other than Bush?
(Vote for) Anybody but George W. Bush?
From the site:
Americans disgusted with President Bush have promised to vote for “anybody but Bush.” To which we respond, “ANYBODY?” To test critics’ mettle, we’ve decided to put the matter to a vote. Thanks to our state-of-the-art survey software, people typically forbidden from voting — teenagers, felons, Canadians, and African-Americans who live in Florida — may join the rest of us in helping select the next U.S. President
Gotta get those cookies
Compress and Decompress with Java (using zip)
Nice information regarding QuickTime and Streaming
s o u n d s c r e e n
A good supplement to the QuickTime and Darwin Streaming Server docs.
TV Studio in a box (or should I say laptop)
Live Channel Features
Interesting product with some very nice features. Live Streaming, TV type output, picture in picture, effect, transistions and so on..
A competitor would be Wirecast which seems to match it feature wise.
A nice little media player for PalmOS
Real’s Helix Server Comparison Chart
Helix: Welcome
I see why people are going with Darwin on the open source server front. The Helix version is crippled.
Music downloads on mobiles
SmartPhoneToday: News: Listen Up, Music On Way to Mobile Phones
Nothing there yet but Motorola has hooked up with Apple (iTunes) and Nokia with Loudeye to provide this..