From the site:
mpowerplayer is a MIDP runtime written in pure Java.
Think of it as an appletviewer for midlets. If you know why that’s useful, then this tool is for you.
With mpowerplayer you can run J2ME applications on your desktop computer. If you like, you can play the same games that run on your phone on your desktop.
Author: vanevery
IBM Open Sources Voice Code
IBM Donates Voice Code to Apache
Very nice.. Looks as though you use it via standard JSP tags.
Alan’s Site has a new Newsletter
Ask The Robot: RNC (Robot Nautical Convention)
Robot Nautical Convention
On Monday, Pursue the Pulse is putting on another Ask The Robot! I will be there showing mGen and Alan will be there too. Come check it out.
Engadget gives some info on Song’s in air Linux system
Macromedia entering into video conferencing services arena
Macromedia Looks to Make Web Conferencing a Breeze
1 cent cheaper per minute than WebEx.. Funny
Processing Images (pixel by pixel)
Processing Image Pixels using Java, Getting Started
A nice article/lesson from
Skype now available on MacOS X
Skype – Download Skype for Mac OS X
The peer to peer voice over IP client is now available on the Mac. Anyone tried it?
Gizmodo reports on a Newsweek article that shows some companies have a clue
Gizmodo : TiVo and Netflix to Partner for Downloadable Content?
If it really is in the works, this could be BIG
Open Media: The Open Source Media Project
Open Media
An interesting new project from JD Lasica and Marc Canter.
From the site:
Coming soon: A site, affiliated with the Internet Archive, devoted to advancing the cause of personal media.