Java programmers search engine

Prospector Demo
From the site:
Prospector a “search engine” for Java code examples, designed to help programmers use, navigate, and learn about object-oriented APIs. The primary design goal is to help out programmers that get stuck using complex APIs. Imagine that a programmer is writing some Java code, that she has a URL object pointing to a JPEG file, and that she wants to display it as an image using the java.awt.Image class. Unfortunately, Image is an abstract class, and it’s not very obvious how to create one at all, let alone how to create one from a URL. Now, she can ask Prospector for a list of code examples, pick out an example, and get back to coding.

My Comments:
Nice, they are developing this as an Eclipse plugin and there is an online demo. If only I could get it to tell me how to make a BufferedImage from an Image. Ooops, my fault, I wasn’t specifying BufferedImage correctly, I should have said: java.awt.image.BufferedImage.

iPodder 1.0 released

iPodder, the cross-platform Podcast receiver.
So the question is, what is a Podcast?. The answer: An audio bloggers wet dream.

Someone needs to make something like this for the video blogging community. I know, i know, people are working on it but we don’t have a dominant video device with the market share of the iPod yet (and that is a requirement).

Howard writes about how text messaging is changing the face of world politics

TheFeature :: Political Texting: SMS and Elections
From the article:
Texting and electoral politics are the strange bedfellows of the 21st century. The use of SMS for political action is only in its infancy, but has already enabled citizens to topple governments and tip elections from Manila to Madrid. The electoral power of texting could be an early indicator of future social upheaval: whenever people gain the power to organize collective action on new scales, in new places, at new tempos, with groups they had not been able to organize before, societies and civilizations change.