EyeTap Personal Imaging Lab
Some interesting information on wearable computing, mediated reality and more.
Author: vanevery
Video grabbing with Java on Linx
Java Video4Linux 0.7
Alpha right now, hope it keeps going and makes some headway.
Some things to checkout later
In search of a password management tool
I used to use CryptInfo on my PC and synch it with my Palm. Worked great, still works great but I don’t use my PC anymore. I need something like this for the Mac that will Synch with my Palm or better yet with my phone and my Palm (J2ME anybody). Seems a no-brainer, anybody know of anything?
Gore’s Network
INdTV – Home
Don’t think I have said anything about this in the past. Maybe I have.. Well, I figured I would put something up because I just got a mass recruiting email from them.
I spent about 5 minutes with them a couple weeks ago and didn’t really come away with anything interesting but what they say they are trying to do on their site is interesting.
From the site:
We are an independent media company led by former Vice President Al Gore, entrepreneur Joel Hyatt and a growing team of industry professionals and young creatives. We are coming together around a common mission: to share the world’s most dominant media platform – television – with people who want an outlet for their creativity, their voices heard and their perspectives valued.
Debates Re-Mixed
Been coming across more and more audio and video remixes of the debates. Going to list them here as they come:
iTunes for Video
Cellulo – Mac OS X Movie Player
QuickTime based, so many formats are supported. full screen and subtitle support are bonus. Nice…!
Josh K. whipped up this nice Applescript for video RSS enclosures (ala iPodder)
From the page:
ViPodder is an Applescript for aggregating videoblogs from RSS 2.0 feeds with enclosure tags. It is based on Adam Curry’s iPodder.
Here is another site that everybody loves but I haven’t tried
As the tag line says: “Social Bookmarking”