Online Machining Service

eMachineShop – Online Machine Shop – with FREE CAD Software
From the site:
eMachineShop is the remarkable new way to get the custom parts you need – the first true online machine shop. Download our free software, draw your part, and click to order – it’s that easy! Your part will be machined and delivered. Even better, the Internet, software, and automated machines help keep our cost low.

Thanks to Ann P. for the link.

PHP Library for QuickTime embedding

From the site:
Apple’s QuickTime multimedia architecture has some fantastic features that can be exploited through server-side scripting and HTML embedding, but it’s something of a black art. There is confusion and inconsistency in how best to embed QuickTime in web pages, deal with QTVR, let movies talk to each other, pass XML QTLists back and forth between movies and servers, and much more (did you even know that QuickTime could do all this??!). We hope to expose this in a clean and elegant way so that QuickTime can reach the audience it deserves.

This project aims to provide a simple and consistent interface to these features through a set of PEAR-compatible PHP classes and functions. We’d also like to get this project into a state where it can become part of the PEAR respository, to ease installation for everyone, and open up the hidden world of QuickTime to more developers.

PHP Library for encoding and decoding MMS messages – Software
From the site:
mslib is a PHP library for encoding and decoding MMS:es. MMS is short for Multimedia Messaging Service. In short it is the successor of SMS (Short Message Service) with the enhancements that you can not only send text but basically any content type your phone can handle such as images, text, videos, ring signals and audio clips.

With this library you can create messages and add multimedia parts such as JPEG, GIF, AMR, MIDI and so on. Messages received from phones can also be unpacked and attachments can be extracted. The library also contains a limited MMS sending functionality that uses a HTTP service to send SMS:es. You would probably have to change the actual implementation of the SMS sending to fit your way of sending SMS:es (if it is over serial port, to a real SMSC or through some other type of HTTP service). This is all done with the three classes MMSDecoder, MMSEncoder and MMSNotifyer.