Draft Chapters (with comments, blog style) of Dan Gillmor’s We the Media (Making the News)

Silicon Valley – Dan Gillmor’s eJournal – Making the News: Draft of Chapter 1
I have had this link sitting around for a while now, it is certainly less relevant now that the book is out but I think it is valuable to see how the book progressed. Dan of course must agree, hence the posting of the chapters in the first place and the fact that he has left them up.

Oh yeah, the book has a Creative Commons license (Kenyatta should be glad to note that an audio version is up at Archive.org). In fact the whole thing can be downloaded at: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/wemedia/book/index.csp and the book website is available online at: http://wethemedia.oreilly.com/.

Java Yahoo instant messenger libraries

Build Your Own Messaging Application in Java with jYMSG
From the article:
jYMSG is released under the GNU General Public License. It is a SourceForge.net project that has gained a significant following due to the ease of use of its API. However, it is not endorsed or supported by Yahoo! Inc. It abstracts the more complex underlying interaction with Yahoo’s publicly released API.

A thought..

An email exchange:

Maybe we can list our debts as assets and purposely get sued..
Oooh.. That is a really good idea.. Ok, how do I get sued?

On Dec 2, 2004, at 1:53 PM, JG wrote:
just in case they do clamp down, i’m making sure i
have absolutely no assets to go after, only debts.

Here we go again…

Wi-Fi Acacia’s next patent target | CNET News.com
Acacia, a representation of all that is wrong with our patent system, having successfully extorted companies using streaming technologies has turned to companies using WiFi, attempting to enforce another patent that they apparently have purchased.
I heard a while ago that they Acacia was short on money. Hopefully a couple of high-profile legal battles will drain them and we can sing good night Acacia, good night (until they sell their patent portfolio to another company willing to sue sue sue).