Apple – Mac mini
Add in a wireless keyboard, mouse, S-Video or RCA video output, Mac PVR or EyeTV and perhaps an RSS/BitTorrent receiver and you are ready to go or shoudl I say, stay home and watch..
Author: vanevery
So, I just upgraded to the latest version of MT and installed Eyebeam’s reBlog plugin. Look forward to more content from more sources. (I will tag reBlogged items as such).
On the Media Podcasting.. Perfect
Dan Gillmor on Grassroots Journalism, Etc.: ‘On the Media” to be Podcast
On the Media is the perfect NPR program for Podcasting (although all of the programs are worthy). Wonderful..
Dan G.’s New Blog
Dan Gillmor on Grassroots Journalism, Etc.
Since Dan has left the San Jose Mercury News, he has created a new blog. Can’t wait to hear more about his new venture.
Ogg Vorbis, Java Style
Block those radio waves
Force Field Wireless
Paint your walls with this…
Thanks to Jeff G. for the link.
Finally, an Open Source MPEG-4 solution in Java!
MediaFrame (, open streaming media
From the site:
Open source streaming media in Java
MediaFrame is an Open Source streaming media platform in Java which provides a fast, easy to implement and extremely small applet that enables over 97% (AdShadow 2002-03) of web users to view your audio/video content without having to rely on external player applications or bulky plug-ins. MediaFrame does not require special servers, software or programming knowledge (feature list).
Article from Apple about running MySQL on Mac OS X
Acacia wants to bleed the internet dry
Acacia to Acquire Patent Portfolios
Branching out on from their Streaming patents to just about everything else.
From the article: Among the acquired patents are those covering technology related to broadcast equipment, credit card receipt processing, peer to peer network communications, spreadsheet programs, datamatrix bar codes and image resolution or enhancements.