J2ME MIDP Development for NetBeans 4.0
Nice… Unfortunately, still not a solution for us Mac developers.
Author: vanevery
Sustainable/Green Building and Urban Environments
green ground zero
GGZ just launched a new website.. Looks good!
Unfair Parking Ticket – Fight it online
Quicky from Fortune about Adam Curry, Dave Winer and Podcasting
Technology – Podcasting: From MTV to MP3 – FORTUNE
From the article:
In the ’80s ponytailed heartthrob Adam Curry broke ground as one of MTV’s first veejays. Two decades later Curry, 40, has popped up at the intersection of blogs and radio.
XML programming Java Tutorial
Antenna Design Software
RF Toolbox – Dipole, Yagi, Vertical, Cubic quad, Log periodic, J-pole, helix, helical,coil, and transmission line design package for the Macintosh
From the site:
RF Toolbox is an antenna design and electronics/electrical tool package
One of the best vegetarian restaurants I have been to
Millennium Restaurant
In San Fransisco.. Check it out.
Bob Metcalfe’s “The Video Internet” Webcast
“Open Source” Technology Books
Motorola’s spray-on ringtone wall
Engadget shows us a Motorola prototype that allows spray painting on a wall with a sensor that is subsequenty tranlated into a downloadable ringtone for your mobile.
The link above takes you to Engadget’s article.