Author: vanevery
Mobile Vlog: Day 1
It’s cold out…
First Video Blog Piece – from my cellphone..
Podcasting by Phone (beta) | Podcasting for everyone… by phone and by upload
Podcasting for everyone… by phone and by upload
Webcasting and Multimedia in the Public Sector
Webcasting – DoWire.Org
A new community of folks involved in webcasting in the public sector (non-profits, government and so on).
They are building a prototype for a low cost audio webcasting system with images.
Very interesting…
A great new bittorrent hosting service
Prodigem Hosting Service
From the site:
Prodigem is a content hosting service. It uses Bit Torrent peer to peer (p2p) filesharing to enable you to distribute extraordinarily large media files at an extraordinarily low cost. In fact, the service is currently free.
Looks like a nice Java Newsreader/Aggregator
Want to know what your representatives are voting for? Track Federal Legislation
From the site:
GovTrack is one step in a process that will change the way we deal with information about our government. The next steps are to create more tools, based on free & open information, for participating in politics, and from there creating a semantic web of political information.