Crossmedia Jukebox

Article about an interesting project that took place in Amsterdam.
From the Article:
The system allows people to upload clips via the internet to the Outloud server whereupon the clips are transmitted on to SALTO TV (Amsterdam’s open channel) where it is possible for viewers to determine the extent to which the clips are played by voting. The clips can also be viewed on the web.

OUTLOUD ! crossmedia jukebox


Wired News: MoSoSos Not So So-So
Nice Wired News story about MoSoSos: “MoSoSos are the mobile equivalents of online social networks like Friendster and LinkedIn. They help users find old friends, or potential new ones, on the go.”
“Currently rolled out in 22 U.S. cities, and with about 15,000 users, dodgeball is the American MoSoSo standard-bearer.”
Way to go Alex and Dens..