QuickTime Latency Part 2

sLop: QuickTime Latency
Soooo.. Following the various instructions in my posting from March 21 QuickTime Latency, I am able to reduce the delay from encoder to server to client to near zero…!

Here are the configuration changes from the QuickTime/Darwin Streaming Server streamingserver.xml file:

From: <PREF NAME=”reflector_buffer_size_sec” TYPE=”UInt32″ >10</PREF>
<PREF NAME=”reflector_buffer_size_sec” TYPE=”UInt32″ >0</PREF>

From: <PREF NAME=”disable_overbuffering” TYPE=”Bool16″
To: <PREF NAME=”disable_overbuffering” TYPE=”Bool16″


From: <PREF NAME=”overbuffer_rate” TYPE=”Float32″
To: <PREF NAME=”overbuffer_rate” TYPE=”Float32″