J2ME Archive
From the site:
Archive information on developing applications and services written for Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition powered devices, including related technologies such as JTWI, MIDP, CLDC, and the KVM.
Author: vanevery
Colin P. Fahey’s Mobile Phone Development site
WWW.COLINFAHEY.COM : Mobile Phone Development
Mobile Phone Development, J2ME, Brew and more…
Gadget fashion show
Guardian Unlimited | Online | Model mobiles
From the article:
Micro-skirted models wearing communicating necklaces or funky watch phones, such as those from Seiko, drew a big audience at 3GSM, the annual get-together of the mobile industry. Among the fashionable items on the catwalk was a jacket that can change according to your mood. Feeling psychedelic? Just send a text to transmit a psychedelic image to the display panel on the jacket
J2ME tutorial..
Wireless Development Tutorial Part I
Wireless Development Tutorial
Mail and Java – The fundamentals
Company developing flexible displays
Polymer Vision
From the site:
Polymer Vision is developing flexible, rollable displays
Dedicated large displays in small housings that easily connect to the smallest mobile devices. Rollable displays: a permanent solution for the ever-increasing demand of larger displays in a roaming environment.
Materials materials materials
Material ConneXionÆ. Where
professionalsóarchitects, engineers, industrial and interior designers, manufacturersóaccess specifications
and manufacturersí contacts for the latest, most innovative materials and processes from around the world. How? Through our on-line database or physical library.
TiVo to your friends favs
RSSTV: Syndication for your PVR
From the site:
We propose to share program information by building on existing syndication infrastructure. Specifically, we’ll add a number of namespaced elements as an extension to RSS. The value formats for these elements will be taken directly from XMLTV, a source of publically available program information.
Covering TV and technology
Lost Remote | About Us
From the site:
Lost Remote takes issue with the status quo of television. Technology is changing fast, and new generations of TV viewers are demanding more.
We do our best to keep you ahead of the curve. Every day, Lost Remote’s bloggers scour the planet for the latest trends in TV and new media. Every Thursday, we send out an email newsletter with the week’s highlights. And nearly 300 TV web producers swap tips and rants in Lost Remote’s email discussion list.
Online book (draft): Theory and Techniques of Electronic Music
Theory and Techniques of Electronic Music
Theory and Techniques of Electronic Music
by: Miller Pucket