Author: vanevery
“Where Left is right and Right is wrong” …
Musicans attempting to use P2P for distribution (with payment)..
About Weed File Sharing
From the site:
Weed is a service of Shared Media Licensing, Inc., a group of musicians and software developers from Seattle, Washington. They envisioned Weed as a better solution to the problems of Internet file-sharing. File-trading is here to stay, so finding a way to legalize it and supporting musicians at the same time is the most equitable solution for all parties concerned. Independent musicians and small labels have a hard enough time making a living these days, so something revolutionary is needed to give them some leverage.
Weed encourages file-sharing while making payments to musicians at the same time. File-traders who respect artists’ rights are rewarded and a new community of file sharing is born! Anyone who buys a few songs can become a distributor and put up a page with their songs or put these songs on a P2P network.
Portable broadcasting backpack
From the site:
com_muni_port is a portable radio broadcast unit created for short range pedestrian broadcasting. com_muni_port models itself after historical military, scientific, and media-related mobile communication devices.
East Village Radio
From the site:
In reaction to a lack of radio in NYC’s East Village, a small band of overly opinionated and underpaid illegitimate saints created EVR.
You have reached it’s nerve center. We encourage you to contact us, to support our path towards the FM dial, and most importantly to listen.
Free Radio Berkeley
Free Radio Berkeley: International Radio Action Training Education
From the site:
Welcome to Free Radio Berkeley. Founded on April 11, 1993 as a Free Speech voice challenging the regulatory structure and power of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Free Radio Berkeley has been engaged in an ongoing legal battle with the FCC. Until it was silenced by a court injunction in June 1998, Free Radio Berkeley was broadcasting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 104.1 FM with 50 watts of power as the alternative voice for the greater Berkeley/Oakland area. The original Free Speech mission to provide community news, discussions and interviews, information, a wide range of music, and more has now been taken up by Berkeley Liberation Radio.
Radio broadcasting equipment
Veronica¬Æ LTD – Broadcasting Equipment
Low cost, low power, FM, Kits, Transmitters, Power, Antennas and more…
Pirate radio information
Great information on creating a pirate radio station.. Why, how and what..
Linux distro for routers and more
From the description:
Pebble Linux is a smallish (smaller than 64megs, larger than 8 megs) distro image designed for embedded style devices such as the Soekris boards, or a Stylstic 1000. It is based off of Debian GNU/Linux. It runs on many different types of systems, such as old 486 machines, mini-itx boards, or the $199 machine down at Frys.
TiVo for Radio
MP3 Players – Radio YourWay – Remote Controls MP3 Players-Recorders- AudioRave-RipFlash
From the site:
Record any AM/FM broadcast in a digital format with ease