abstract plane
The also have an interesting QuickTime JNI port called: KTBJava and a QuickTime Xtra for Director. Their broadcasting software, Uplink looks very promising.
Author: vanevery
I hear Al Franken, literally.
Air America Radio
From the site:
On March 31, 2004 Air America Radio begins airlifting entertaining, progressive talk radio to millions of Americans who for far too long have been and are being neglected by talk radio broadcasters today.
Our on-air personalities and guests represent today’s top political and popular humorists, commentators, activists and analysts.
Our irreverent, informative programming sparks the kind of challenging political and social dialogue that has been absent from AM radio for years.
I like candy (art)
JNI without the pain…?
Excelsior xFunction – Call native code functions from Java without JNI
Java Interface to External Functions
Invoke operating system APIs and functions from native code DLLs/shared libraries directly from your Java code without any JNI programming
Palm and J2ME.. Very nice
Hand in Hand with PalmSource
Excerpt from the article:
Also at the conference, PalmSource announced it has licensed IBM’s WebSphere MicroEnvironment Java 2 Micro Edition and the WebSphere Studio Device Developer toolset. PalmSource will integrate WME into its platform, making it easier for the huge community of Java developers to create apps for the Palm OS. It will also let Palm developers execute Java MIDlet applications on Palm devices.
Java wrapper for ffmpeg
SourceForge.net: Project Info – JMF wrapper for ffmpeg
Very nice, JMF needs a refresher (an understatement) and it is nice to open source implementations picking up on it (especially since Apple has no idea what they are doing to QuickTime for Java).
From the site:
This is a Java wrapper for ffmpeg compression library. It exports ffmpeg codecs functions as a JMF (Java Media Framework) codec. You can use this codec from JMStudio and then you’ll have a video player able to play mpeg1, h263, mpeg4 (divX), etc. streams.
Dream a little dream
Dream Workshop by Takara
From the site:
Takara Co., Ltd (President and CEO, Keita Satoh) is pleased to announce the current development of a device which helps users to attain the dreams of, well, their dreams. Called Yumemi Koubou (Japanese for “Dream Viewing Workshop” ), this product is designed to help people shape their dreams in sleep, combining multi-sensory stimulus and sophisticated sleep-dream research to create an environment conducive to having a specific dream desired by the user.
A set of multimedia and 3d classes for Java
Jun for Java
Looks to be some open source and easy to use QuickTime and OpenGL wrappers for Java.. Interesting…
NASA’s site for all things Hubble
The space telescope has made a come back in recent years and this site has it all, from computer wallpaper to hard science.
Running QTSS/DSS from behind a NAT router
Running QTSS/DSS from behind a NAT router
I am told this article is a life-saver.. I will give it a read shortly and let y’all know.