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June 03, 2005
David Pogue describes Akimbo
The New York Times > Technology > Circuits > TV's Future Is Here, but It Needs Work
In short Akimbo is developing a new set top box that allows downloads of TV shows off of the internet. David describes the issues, such as lack of content due to piracy concerns and so on..
I like the statement:
"This is piracy paranoia run amok. It's insane to think that anyone would pay so much for cheesy cable reruns and oddities like three-minute how-to videos for new mothers."
What he doesn't mention is the serious amount of content being created by non-commercial interests and being distributed on the internet for free. For any set top box to make it they have to offer what the cable/tv companies don't, media for the people by the people. What good is using the internet without it?
Posted by vanevery at 01:35 PM
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Posted by: shawn at October 10, 2005 12:44 AM