- Dennis Crowley, Shuji Inaba, Shayna Nickel and Shawn Van Every
- ITP is a large and diverse program
- As such, it can be difficult to find help or available expertise in a
quick and efficient manner.
- How do you overcome this obstacle when you are in need of help?
- ITPF is a solution
- ITPF is a system that stores user submitted information on their
skills, background and interests.
- ITPF is a system allowing ITP students to find and engage others with
the expertise they need.
- ITPF facilitates knowledge sharing and learning
- While ITPF has social aspects, it does not override the primary social
aspects of ITP itself, rather it is intended to complement them.
- ITP Favors are a form of currency
- ITPFs are exchanged by users of the site for each hour of help they
receive or provide.
- ITPFs are implemented and rely upon the honor system
- ITPF is volunteer built and maintained system
- As a web based database driven application, ITPF is:
- Searchable
- Always Available
- Easily Updated
- Feature Extensible
- ITPF is conceived as a tool for the benefit of the overall ITP community
- Is the ITP community interested?
- In order to continue with the development of ITPF a certain threshold
of development volunteers as well as users needs to be reached.
- Volunteers....????