Subway Collage
Start Videoblogging!
From the site:
Videoblogging is a new form of expression. We are a group of people who have videos as a normal part of our blogging. On this website you can read about people who videoblog. We also want to help anyone who is interested in using videos as a part of their blog. That’s why we’re writing as many how-to articles as possible.
Forget about Free Speech
Dan Gillmor on Grassroots Journalism, Etc.: The Gathering Storms Over Speech
Dan gives an overview of how Apple, recent legislation and politicians under corporate influence are doing everything and anything to take away our Freedom of Speech rights.
From the article:
We’re moving toward a system under which only the folks who are deemed to be professionals will be granted the status of journalists, and thereby more rights than the rest of us. This is pernicious in every way.
Mobile Video on the Go
Mobile Video on the Go
Nice Blog about wearable, geo-located video production and consumption..
Letting Jeff have a try..
Audio Post
Showing my class..
Response to Jay @ Northern Voice
Response to Jay @ Northern Voice