Jonny mindmapping
Fiery furnaces
Fiery furnaces
Great Segment on All Things Considered
NPR : An Impending Period of Transitional Chaos for Media
Regarding Advertising, TV, Radio, Podcast, Video Blogging and
Perl meet Eclipse
EPIC – Eclipse Perl Integration
Features supported are syntax highlighting, on the fly syntax check, content assist, perldoc support, source formatter, templating support and a Perl debugger.
Flash beats out Java for video yet again
Video Ad Pioneer Ditches Java
The fate of Java in the video world takes another hit. It really is too bad that Sun hasn’t done anything with JMF in a couple of years and Apple can’t figure out how to make QuickTime for Java usable.
Woe is me..
HTML Parsing in Perl
HTML Parsing: The World is Your Database
Looks to be a good article.
Will this turn video blogging into the next podcasting..?
HOW-TO: PSPcasting on your Mac – Engadget –
I might have to get one of these nifty PSP thingamagigs now.. I would like to see a couple more hacks to them first, like the addition of a web browser or a JVM. Anybody know any of those projects are underway?
Annotating The Times
The Annotated New York Times
Interesting site that tracks blog entries that cite the NY Times.
3 Great Mobile/Media Articles from The Feature
TheFeature :: How Not To Do Mobile Chat – How Cingular and American Idol got it wrong ($.30 per moderated message!!!!).
TheFeature :: Why Are Mobile Operators Bowing To Hollywood?
TheFeature :: MMS Reborn As A Platform – Now we are talking.. MMS is the platform I use to create all the silly little video segments on this site.
A very bad game…
Googlewhacking: The Search for The One True Googlewhack
Find two words that when searched for in Google yield only one result.