CNet sponsoring a Future of TV Wiki…
Main Page – Me TV Wiki – CNET
From the site:
Welcome to CNET’s Me TV Wiki. Here, you can collaborate with other readers to predict the future of television, collectively writing and editing your own chapter of this special report. A few potential points to address: How do you think people will watch TV in five years? What kind of shows will be available to download, and at what cost? Will 30-second commercials become obsolete? Who will control the TV industry?
Video Phone for Vonage
Video Phone Rides VoIP Wave
Interesting.. Things like this have been around for a while in the corporate sector.. Perhaps this will break into the home..?
Free your Vlog (as in Free Beer)
Step-by-step instructions for setting up a free videoblog.
The crazy financial boom may be over but the ideas and tech just keep coming..
Yahoo! News – Plugged in – Next Big Tech Ideas May Be Small Ones
Nice article from Yahoo regarding a couple of interesting topics: POSM (Project for Open Source Media), Asterisk, Odeo, Blogger and more…
“Once you can surf by it, all your content kind of turns into television,” says Halle, who once worked on interactive TV projects for a Public Broadcasting System station in Boston but became frustrated by the high cost of available gear.
The Project for Open Source Media (POSM), as Halle calls it, is designed for the era when anyone with a $200 camcorder or a video cameraphone can become a broadcaster. The interactive TV box costs $500 plus a $100 TV turner card.
Nice writeup regarding the legal issues surrounding podcasting
Podcasting Music – The legal implications – CBI
Pretty much applicable to any downloadable audio file on the internet.
Yikes..!! Glad this isn’t a problem on my system.
Java glitch hits OS X update | Tech News on ZDNet
Apple really needs to get it’s act together. Between this and the QuickTime update engine not working period they are really frustrating me.
Hmmmn.. Bill with 1 up and 1 down for copyfighters passes House
Wired News: House OKs Family Copyright Bill
Not sure either of these are really that important overall but they could set an interesting precedent. Stiff penalties for video taping in a movie theater and fair use of media in the home.