BluePhoneElite: About
BluePhoneElite was just launched:
Call Center, Incoming Call Alerts, SMS Center, SMS Chat, Proximity Behaviors, Address Book Integration and more…
Java, JMF and FFMPEG round 2
As Dave points out in the comments to this post: sLop: Java wrapper for ffmpeg there is a new open source FFMPEG JNI JMF wrapper: Omnividea FOBS – FFMpeg C & JMF Bindings..
Gotta love those acronyms.. :-) Sorry.
Optimizing J2ME Code
Lurker’s Guide to J2ME (Java 2 MicroEdition)
A nice quick article concerning some dos and don’ts when developing J2ME apps.
Digital TV for Handhelds goes Standards Based
DTV broadcast standard for handhelds gains momentum
Does it offer any interactive components?
From the site:
Apr. 18, 2005
A number of wireless industry leaders announced support today for the DVB-H (Digital Video Broadcast-Handheld) standard, at the National Association of Broadcasters conference. DVB-H is an open standard for delivering broadcast digital TV (DTV) to mobile devices such as smartphones and PDAs.DVB-H delivers an improved end user experience over current video streaming services that utilize cellular networks and reduce network capacity for voice services, according to the DVB Project consortium. Trials are underway in the US, Germany, France, UK, Finland, Sweden, and other countries, with more trials expected to launch later in 2005 and throughout 2006
NYU ITP Spring Show, Thesis Week, Performances and Screenings
ITP Spring Show 2005
All of the events are worthwhile but be sure not to miss the show:
Tuesday, May 10th, 5 – 9pm
Wednesday, May 11th, 5 – 9pm
ITP – 721 Broadway, 4th Floor
An exhibition of innovative student work including multimedia installations, physical computing and interaction design, sound and video design projects. All projects on display at ITP.
Why don’t I have one of these…?
Archos Linux-based portable audio/video player available online
Ok ok, $800 is a bit rich for me at the moment but I would love to try some things out on one of these. The combination of Linux/WiFi/Touchscreen an video capture really gets my motor running. Hmmmmnn.. No SDK available yet (but promised). Needs a JVM and a Skype port (I think it would sell like gangbusters then)
From the site:
The much-ballyhood Linux-based “fourth generation” Archos PMA400 personal video recorder/player (PVR/PVP) — with a 3.5-inch color LCD, 30GB hard drive, wireless Internet access, Qtopia PIM suite, and lots of other cool features — is now available for purchase online from Archos’s website.According to Archos, the PMA400 can record video directly from a TV, VCR, cable box, or satellite receiver. It can also record and play music. A browser interface for scheduling recordings can be accessed over the Internet. The device can also be used to view photos, play games, or run third-party Linux applications of all kinds, the company says.
Polish those J2ME apps
J2ME Polish
From the site:
J2ME Polish is suite of tools for creating “polished” J2ME applications. Each tool meets a definite need of J2ME developers:
Build-tools with an integrated device-database, a powerful GUI, a framework for building localized applications, a game-engine, a logging framework and a collection of utilities.
Thanks Laura and Dan.
The Brooklyn Bridge at Night
Are you watching, listening and reading those ads?
Arbitron%u2019s Portable People Meter – Engadget – /
Track human to ad exposure.. I suppose it could work. I would like to wear one just to see how much advertising I am exposed to throughout the day. Be pretty interesting to see if I can remember any of it :-)