Emmy Advanced Media – Television Business News: The Big Hump
or Why citizen created media will still have a place after Big Media figures out what the internet is really about.
FXO, FXS and VoIP, damn the acronyms
For my reference:
FXO: Foreign eXchange Office – This is the plug on your phone. It receives Dial Tone, Current and Ring Voltage. If you have a card that does this, you can plug it into your wall jack and receive calls.
FXS: Foreign eXchange Subscriber – Service from the phone company, provides Dial Tone, Current and Voltage. If you have a card that does this, you can plug your normal phone into it.
In terms of VoIP (asterisk in my case), if you want to receive POTS calls into your system you need an FXO. If you want to plug in a normal phone and make VoIP calls you need an FXS.
Both terms from the POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) world.
Port Your Java MIDlets to a Palm Device
Mark Cuban on podcasting
Podcasting – Blog Maverick – www.blogmaverick.com _
Mark Cuban compares the recent Podcasting craze with the Stream craze of the 90’s.
Repurpose that disposable camcorder
Boing Boing: Pinouts for CVS’s “disposable” camcorder
From Boing Boing:
CVS Pharmacies sell a one-time-use camcorder that you have to bring to their shop once you’re ready to get your videos, which are delivered on DVD. Enterprising hackers are racing to reverse-engineer the camcorder so that they can extract their own video and make multiple uses of the camera without paying repeatedly.
Use Linux to turn your iPod into a recording device
Clay Compares Categories, Hierarchies, Links and Tags
Skype Casting Product
Record Skype calls on your PC
a decent AJAX (asynchronous Java and XML) tutorial
AJAX: A Fresh Look at Web Development
AJAX is definitely the wave of the future with regards to web development and produces web pages that respond like regular desktop applications. (I hope this makes Flash go away, I really do but I know it won’t)
Asterisk has some competition
Open source telephony app server evolves
Called Bayonne.. Interesting. I would like to see a comparison with Asterisk.