On2 releases a Video Java Applet

On2 Technologies
Here is what they say:
The TrueMotion Streaming Java Applet 1.0 is a TrueMotion video player written in pure Java. The Applet offers a truly cross-platform solution–it plays on Windows, MacOS, Linux, and other environments. As on other platforms, the TrueMotion codec outperforms all other competing video compression technologies.

Here are my questions:
They say “Streaming” which to me means that it should support live video, does it? Also this is an applet which means that it is available through the browser but I would like it available as a set of classes that I can use in other apps (Java apps), is this possible? Tell me On2, is this possible? Oh yeah, how do I encode video for it?

Helix DRM implements “Broadcast Flag”

Real’s Helix Move
Ok, so, Helix DRM is open source… Broadcast Flag is the broadcast industry’s attempt at making it impossible to make perfect copies of digitally delivered media (DTV).
So my question is, since Helix implements it, meaning that it pays attention and can include the flag in subsequent uses of the media and Helix is open source, why can’t some enterprising coders just modify the Helix DRM to act like it cares but strip the flag out in the final product? I don’t get it… I just don’t get it.