Category: Streaming and Multi-Media
New Podcast Aggregator
From the site:
There’s a new kid in town. A podcasting tool that does everything you wish the others did…
-Subscribe to podcasts with a single click
-Tell you at a glance what shows have new content available
-Listen to podcats without launching another app
-Display OPML show notes without launching a browser
-Send only content you designate to iTunes
-Send individual episodes to iTunes with a single click
NYTimes rounds up the WiFi phone scene
Ok, now I wish I was going to E-Tech this year..
O’Reilly Emerging Technology Conference 2005
Will somebody please give me a view through iChatAV?
Taking Back Television: An Open Approach to the Development and Deployment of Next Generation Media
Tim Halle, Director, The Project for Open Source Media (POSM)
Date: Tuesday, March 15
Time:¬†4:40pm – 5:25pm
Location: California Ballroom B
List of ITV Companies, Manufacturers and Organizations
Open Media Platform
The Project for Open Source Media
Open Source ITV platform under development..
From the site:
The Project for Open Source Media is an independent research and development company doing business in three primary areas.
The construction and distribution of the Open Media Platform, an open source platform for the development and distribution of next generation television technologies.
Providing consulting services to entities wishing to develop next generation television content and applications either on the Open Media Platform or on proprietary platforms such as TiVo and Open TV.
The development of next generation television content and applications either on the Open Media Platform or on proprietary platforms.
Apple, QuickTime, Standards, H.264 and why Microsoft is evil
QuickTime for Java A Developer’s Notebook has been released — Online Catalog: QuickTime for Java: A Developer’s Notebook
and it was worth the wait..!
The missing QTJ chapter — STREAMING Streaming QuickTime with Java
An online suppliment to Chris Adamson’s recent QuickTime for Java A Developer’s Notebook.
From the article:
In this article, I’ll introduce the basics of simple webcasting with QTJ.
Intro to Java TV programming
Introduction to Digital TV Applications Programming
From the article:
Television viewers with Java-enabled digital television receivers will be able to receive and interact with Java TV applications while watching network programming. The tool for interacting with Java TV applications is the viewer’s television remote.