Category: Streaming and Multi-Media
Corante: Broadcatching..
The Importance of… > Broadcatching ” href=””>Corante > The Importance of… > Broadcatching
All about RSS + BitTorrent + Media.. Nice compilation of articles.
Find those TV Shows online
not to be confused with Google’s new TV search.
4 Minutes About Podcasting (Video)
Learning The Lessons of Nixon » 4 Minutes About Podcasting
From the site:
Four Minutes about Podcasting is a short film tells you why podcasting can make your life better, and shows you everything you need to know to set up a simple program to have new podcasts downloaded automatically. In only four minutes!
What the feeds are saying… Images and keywords
Podcating with Skype
Unbound Spiral: Skype Podcast Recorder = SkypeCasters
From the site:
Introducing instructions for SkypeCasting. The front-end solution for podcasters to create great sounding audio recordings from interviews and conference calls using Skype.
Web based audio and video blogging service
Userplane: AV Mail
Uses Flash Communication server and so on.. Interesting.
TiVo To Go enables some Fair Use
NBC, starting to get it…?
NBC Career Opportunities – Job Opportunities
An interesting listing for a “Product Development Leader, Broadband Video” at NBC.
What interests me the most about this ad is the line:
* Build key capabilities for broadband video: (eg. video archive, searchable video, free video/ad supported (stream/download), paid video, PVR-like functionality/personalization … personalized storage area, wireless component … feeding/cashing video to portable devices from online “docking station”, video blogging and chat capability, allow for hosting/posting/archiving/search of video submitted by consumers)
although the “consumer” word bugs me out.
Windows Podcast aggregator
Doppler : Podcasting redefined
Looks like a pretty nice Windows Podcast aggregator.