Category: Streaming and Multi-Media
Get that DVD’s Content
P2P Audio Streaming
PeerCast P2P Radio
From the site:
PeerCast is a new, free way to listen to radio and watch video on the Internet. It uses P2P technology to let anyone become a broadcaster without the costs of traditional streaming. This means you get to hear and watch stations not normally found on commercially funded sites.
The podcast network
the podcast network
As the name states, a network of podcasts..
Next Generation JavaHMO for TiVo
Galleon – Home Page
Galleon is a free media server for TiVo® which allows you to enjoy many kinds of content and interactive applications right on your TV. The server runs on your home computer and organizes your media collection so that they can be viewed on your home network. Galleon also brings Internet content and applications to your TV.
More TiVo Enhancements
Java Home Media Option
JavaHMO implements a media server for the Home Media Option from TiVo¬Æ and adds new innovative features beyond the existing functionality provided by TiVo’s implementation.
Today’s New York Times: Bloggers Add Moving Images to Their Musings
Technology > Circuits > Basics: Bloggers Add Moving Images to Their Musings” href=””>The New York Times > Technology > Circuits > Basics: Bloggers Add Moving Images to Their Musings
From the article:
Web logs – the personal online journals better known as blogs – use text to dissect nearly every conceivable topic, and now video blogs, or vlogs, which incorporate moving images, are on the rise. Mobile blogs, or moblogs, have brought blogging into the cellular age by allowing people to post video and photos taken with camera phones to a blog, or to call in an audio posting.
Books on MP3 – Free..
Concrete T.V.
Concrete TV
An interesting streaming and public access show: all found footage with fast editing.. Perhaps this is a video mashup ;-)
Dept of Ed vs. Buster the Bunny
Ryanne’s Video Blog
Ryanne’s Video Blog has an interesting interview piece regarding the recent issues that have come up between the show and the Department of Education over an episode that included a segment with a that has same sex parents. This could perhaps be the pivitol piece that kicks citizen journalism via video blogs into high gear.
Check it out: Dept of Ed vs. Buster the Bunny