Streaming Server and Firewalls
How to use the Streaming Server behind NAT and other firewall configurations. Which ports to open and what configuration options to change.
Category: Streaming and Multi-Media
News from the Vlogosphere.. Nice..
ORA’s Digital Media Zine
Hasbro Media Devices for Kids
Hasbro Projector, PVR, Other Gadgets for Kids – Gizmodo
Personal media, seems to be the newest trend in toys.. Crazy.. Good but Crazy..
The Ultimate Portable Studio
O’Reilly: The Ultimate Portable Studio
Amazing article.. Need to do on the road audio work? Check this article.
People like Mefeedia
Poll Results
Interesting.. I know nothing about Grouper.
I don’t really think this is contest meaningful but…
Mobile TV survey results..
Mobile device TV market “small but enthusiastic”
I have one word for mobile TV operators: INTERACTIVITY
3 Bills up in Congress that will Kill Public Access
MNN Announcement
Hmmn.. I am going to have to read these bills.
Here is some more information from the Alliance for Community Media:
Today @ PC World – Makin’ Movies With the Vidster
Mattel has released the “Vidster”. A video camera for kids.. Love to take one of these apart and make it into a video blogging tool.
Podcasting Museum Tours
With Irreverence and an iPod, Recreating the Museum Tour – New York Times
This is old but apparently I never posted it here.