Kent Bye from Echo Chamber Project has solved Skype recording on his Mac

Instructions for Recording Skype Conversations | Echo Chamber Project
Seems my instructions are a bit out of date and don’t work exactly right anymore.

Kent Writes:
After much experimentation, I’ve finally figured out how to record a Skype call on my Macintosh without having to use external hardware or hearing an echo of my own voice.

Community Radio Toolkit (book with discussion forum)

Radio Regen, Community FM Toolkit for Community Radio

From the site:
What you will find here by the end of 2005, is a complete web version of the 212 pages of the book, complete with active discussion forums for readers. We will also have staff deployed to follow up information requests and extract the usable information from these discussions. So there’ll be information digests and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) too.
In the meanwhile, following the enthusiastic response from delegates at our Community FM conference, we’re posting samples of the book and launching an experimental forum for you to discuss what you think of the book. If this resource is to become truly comprehensive, and stay up to date, we need you to join in with the discussion on the forum to tell us what you think of what you’ve read and to share your experiences.

The Participatory Generation

The Lives of Teenagers Now: Open Blogs, Not Locked Diaries – New York Times
NY Times is running an article about a recent Pew survey that is demonstrating that teenagers have embraced publishing media online. From myspace and the like to creating their own websites featuring music remixes, videos and so forth.

They have become the participatory generation.

From the article:
According to the Pew survey, 57 percent of all teenagers between 12 and 17 who are active online – about 12 million – create digital content, from building Web pages to sharing original artwork, photos and stories to remixing content found elsewhere on the Web. Some 20 percent publish their own Web logs.

That reality is now inextricable from the broader social, cultural and sometimes, as in Melissa’s case, deeply personal experience of being a teenager. And it is one that will undoubtedly have profound implications for the traditional managers of content, from big media companies and libraries to record labels, publishers and Hollywood.

[Later in the article]

The Pew survey shows “the mounting evidence that teens are not passive consumers of media content,” said Paulette M. Rothbauer, an assistant professor of information sciences at the University of Toronto. “They take content from media providers and transform it, reinterpret it, republish it, take ownership of it in ways that at least hold the potential for subverting it.”

OMDS Article

TECTONIC: How will you consume your open media?
Michael Sharon has written a nice article summarizing the Open Media Developers Summit.
From the article:
Two weeks ago, on a rainy Friday and Saturday in October, 65 programmers and developers debated these and many other questions at the first Open Media Developer’s Summit held at New York University’s Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP) in down-town Manhattan.

Understand the iPod iTunesDB

ITunesDB – wikiPodLinux
From the site:
This page details the format of the binary files used on the iPod to keep track of the music it contains as well as its play history. Collectively we refer to these files as the iTunesDB however there are in fact a number of files, each with their own format, that make up this database.

A world of webcams

Newest Webcams
From the site:
Random live webcams from the Net

These webcams were found automatically through a variety of clever search techniques. Their owners might or might not have intended for them
to be public. But they obviously are. Many of them are security cameras in companies or
semi-public places. If you hover over the picture you’ll see what location information is available.

Interesting how “security cameras” are not “secure” themselves..