Category: Streaming and Multi-Media
Web 2.0 Video APIs and Mash-ups
The future..?
Our Media’s List of Open Media Projects
Open media projects | Ourmedia
From the site:, a nonprofit open media project, supports the following kindred efforts that are helping to enable the grassroots media revolution (also called citizens media, participatory media, personal media, We Media and open-source media). We hope to work with many of them in the months ahead on a planned network of open media sites as a way to cultivate an independent commons of information and creativity.
Dee’s Podcast Interviews from OMDS
Manamana – Google Video
I sing this all the time.. People think I am crazy:
Thanks Dad!
Interactive TV Web
DVB Multimedia Home Platform tutorials and information for interactive TV developers
From the site that brought you the book (or was it the other way around): Interactive TV Standards
Almost a dream machine
Open Linux based Set-Top-Boxes! Unfortunately, DVB only, no ATSC. Us poor poor North American iTV developers are left behind yet again..
Mobile DTV Alliance
:: Mobile DTV Alliance ::
A new consortium of companies pushing DVB-H in North America. I find this much more interesting than current TV on mobile devices as DVB-H has some nice interactive features. Unfortunately, I am not sure it will ever be accessible to independent content providers.
Mobile TV.. Yawn.
Cielo Group presentation at NATP Mobile
From the company that brings us MLB and NBA video products on phones.
This image from their ad campaign sums up my feelings:
They look a bit bored, don’t they..?
Fabio Sonnati’s Flash Video Blog
Fabio Sonnati’s Flash Video Blog
Fabio offers some very nice and detailed knowledge regarding Flash Video. I am particularly impressed with the FFMPEG to FLV information.