Open hosting

Metawire Network open hosting
Sort of an open source model for server hosting.
From the site: is a collaboritive effort between Daniel Selans and Eric Harrison to provide free shell, email, and webhosting at a quality of service unheard of on the Internet today. offers the most storage space, a diverse selection of domains to choose from, and a great underlying OS (OpenBSD) to power a new generation of free hosting services. Metawire offers unrivaled levels of service, poising itself high above any and all existing competitors.

Linux Unwired, WiFi, Bluetooth and GPRS on Linux — Online Catalog: Linux Unwired
Anyone want to buy this book for me?
From the description:
Linux Unwired is a one-stop wireless information source for on-the-go Linux users. Whether you’re considering Wi-Fi as a supplement or alternative to cable and DSL, using Bluetooth to network devices in your home or office,or want to use cellular data plans for access to data nearly everywhere, this book will show you the full-spectrum view of wireless capabilities of Linux, and how to take advantage of them.

mini GNU/Linux distro for the Via EPIA boards

Yea! Now I will have something to do with my M-10000 once my thesis is done ;-)
From the site:
Freepia is a small GNU/Linux distribution designed to run on Via Epia-M Mainboards. It currently runs on the M-9000 and M-10000 (ezra and nehemiah cpu) but with some modifications like kernel and X11 modules it should run on others too. (if someone has get it running on other Epia¥s let me know). The main motivation behind this project is to build a full featured, low noise media box to play movies/mp3s/images etc. For this it uses freevo but in the future there maybe support for others like mythtv or vdr.

Java based open source streaming server for Ogg

JRoar — Pure Java Streaming Server for Ogg
From the site:
JRoar is a streaming server for Ogg in pure Java
JRoar casts live Ogg streams to Ogg Vorbis players as IceCast2 does and shouts live Ogg streams to IceCast2 and JRoar(, but JRoar does not support encoding/re-encoding). JRoar also accepts live Ogg streams from IceS. The uniqueness of JRoar is that JRoar works as a proxy for live Ogg streams and enables you to share single stream with others. Of course, its characteristic property is that it is in pure Java. JRoar can be easily deployed and in fact, it can run on the built-in JVM of IE

Java gets blue in the tooth
Thanks to Mike for the pointer.
From the site:
The JavaBluetooth Stack is a 100% (no native) Java implementation of the Bluetooth Specifications Version 1.1. It currently supports HCI, L2CAP and SDP. Support for RFCOMM, TCS, and SCO, as well as implementations of specific Bluetooth Profiles such as the Handsfree-Profile and the Generic Audio/Video Distribution Profiles are planned.

The other one…

Intro to the NetBeans IDE
The foundation for Sun’s development environment (Sun ONE Studio or something to that effect) is NetBeans (formerly known as Forte for Java) an Open Source development environment focused on Java.
Here is what they say:
The NetBeans IDE is a development environment – a tool for programmers to write, compile, debug and deploy programs. It is written in Java – but can support any programming language. It is a free product with no restrictions on how it can be used.