Internet watches… ;-)

From the site:
Suunto n3, the first in a new line of smart wristop computers that combine the quality and features from Suunto with access to timely, glanceable information provided by Microsoft‚Äôs MSNÆ Direct Service. The Suunto n3 offers a variety of features that will streamline daily tasks and enhance daily life – a stylish and unique information source for people who want to be in the know while on the go. Owners will be able to receive customized information to their wrist discretely and automatically – Microsoft‚Äôs MSN Direct Service ensures that the information they need is up-to-date and ready at a glance.

Fossil has another MS powered watch is:

Fossil also has a Palm powered watch:

Robot journalists

BBC News | SCI/TECH | Robo-reporter goes to war

From the article:
A robotic war correspondent that can get to places even veteran correspondent John Simpson cannot reach is being developed in the US.
The Afghan Explorer looks like a cross between a lawnmower and a robotic dog and has been designed to travel to war zones to provide images, sound and interviews from hostile environments off-limits to human reporters.

Another article: “Robot reporter puts a new spin on things” available at

Thanks to Hans for the links.

Our patent system does everything except encourage innovation

Fight The Patent: Providing information and Prior Art about patent abuse cases currently covering Acacia Research Corporation(Acacia Patent Lawsuits) vs (sueing) Everyone, SightSound vs (sueing) CDnow / BMG, and USA Video vs (sueing) Providing patent prior art for the defense / defendants in litigation at no charge

The purpose of Fight The Patent is to bring awareness and activism to Internet-related patents that affect all websites. In addition, this website presents searches for Patent Prior Art.

Networking Trends to watch in 2004

BitTorrent, ‘Gi-Fi,’ and Other Trends in 2004
From the article:
Thanks to a never-ending supply of sharp minds and energy in the information technology industry, innovation will keep on marching ahead in 2004 — good economy or bad. (But a good economy sure helps.) Editors from and across Jupitermedia have compiled a list of ideas/trends/innovations to watch in 2004.