Category: Java
Thinking in Java
Bruce Eckel’s MindView, Inc: Free Electronic Book: Thinking in Java, 3rd Edition
I have been meaning to link to this for a while as I can never remember the name when it comes time. Well.. Here it is, the book that everyone raves about, freely available.
Java Neural Networks
A nice suite of open source java blogging tools
Pebble – blogging tools written in Java
A server side blogging app, a desktop app (unfortunately without hooks to most server side blogging apps at the moment), a mobile blogging (moblog) app and an Ant blogging tool. Very nice.
XML Java GUI development
Thinlet – Home
Looks very nice and works with Java 1.1.
Video grabbing with Java on Linx
Java Video4Linux 0.7
Alpha right now, hope it keeps going and makes some headway.
vi and Java, not oil and water
Java programmers search engine
Prospector Demo
From the site:
Prospector a “search engine” for Java code examples, designed to help programmers use, navigate, and learn about object-oriented APIs. The primary design goal is to help out programmers that get stuck using complex APIs. Imagine that a programmer is writing some Java code, that she has a URL object pointing to a JPEG file, and that she wants to display it as an image using the java.awt.Image class. Unfortunately, Image is an abstract class, and it’s not very obvious how to create one at all, let alone how to create one from a URL. Now, she can ask Prospector for a list of code examples, pick out an example, and get back to coding.
My Comments:
Nice, they are developing this as an Eclipse plugin and there is an online demo. If only I could get it to tell me how to make a BufferedImage from an Image. Ooops, my fault, I wasn’t specifying BufferedImage correctly, I should have said: java.awt.image.BufferedImage.
Mobile Phone Dev Nirvana the harmony of mobile development
Great information on Bluetooth, J2ME, MIDP 2 and more.
Run MIDP 2 on your Mac
From the site:
mpowerplayer is a MIDP runtime written in pure Java.
Think of it as an appletviewer for midlets. If you know why that’s useful, then this tool is for you.
With mpowerplayer you can run J2ME applications on your desktop computer. If you like, you can play the same games that run on your phone on your desktop.