Processing and PComp come together

From the site:
Wiring is a programming environment and electronics i/o
board for exploring the electronic arts, tangible media, teaching and
learning computer programming and prototyping with electronics. It illustrates
the concept of programming with electronics and the physical realm of
hardware control which are necessary to explore physical interaction design
and tangible media aspects

Very nice.. A compiler (Java/Processing) and board for physical computing type work.

OnTV: Open Source Video Blogging and Streaming Subscription and Viewing

ONTV: Ideas Through Digital Content
An alpha release with some nice features such as searching, marking as a favorite, sending to friends and so on. Includes the ability to view streams.. Very nice..

From the site:
The Internet is filled with
artistic expressions and independently created entertainment. Our goal
is to make that digital content easy to find, view, share and manage.
ONTV builds conduits between you and others, to enable the exchange of
thoughts, ideas, and emotions, embodied within digital content.

With the Beta Release of I/ON,
we hope to begin to make our vision a reality. I/ON is an Internet
Video Console that allows you to watch the web – accessing rich media
content directly, on-demand.

Nokia J2Me Issues *big issues*

Russell Beattie Notebook – Nokia 7650 J2ME Sockets Fun

Russell, thank you. You just saved me hours of trying to figure out why available() wasn’t ever returning anything other than 0.

I also want to point out that Nokia’s Java support while seemingly great from the outside is dismal once you get into it.

For instance, on my 7610, not only is the function you describe broken but so is the the vibra function in the Nokia UI (their own classes!) as well as the backlight functions.

I have been working on a project for weeks and still have mysterious *poofing* (the app just goes away, no exceptions, no nothing, just poof, gone, kaput) issues with no hope for resolution.

On top of that, I know I am using an older version of the firmware. Ok, how do I get that upgraded? If I was in Europe it seems everyone does it but in the US, nada.


Mason and company throw down the gauntlet on JMF. Let’s hope Sun is listening.

Mason Glaves’s Blog: JMF, wherefor art thou?
In summary:
So, how about it, Sun? Where is JMF going from here?

More on the issue from Chris Adamson:
Chris Adamson’s Blog: Java Media without Mediocrity

Don’t forget, the reader comments in both of these articles, including a comment from jdinkins of the Sun Java Swing team regarding them taking over JMF. Let’s hope they put some real resources on this.