Open Source Small Device C Compiler

SDCC – Small Device C Compiler
From the site:
SDCC is a Freeware, retargettable, optimizing ANSI – C compiler that targets the Intel 8051, Maxim 80DS390 and the Zilog Z80 based MCUs. Work is in progress on supporting the Motorola 68HC08 as well as Microchip PIC14 and PIC16 series. The entire source code for the compiler is distributed under GPL.

Linux distro for routers and more

From the description:
Pebble Linux is a smallish (smaller than 64megs, larger than 8 megs) distro image designed for embedded style devices such as the Soekris boards, or a Stylstic 1000. It is based off of Debian GNU/Linux. It runs on many different types of systems, such as old 486 machines, mini-itx boards, or the $199 machine down at Frys.

TiVo to your friends favs

RSSTV: Syndication for your PVR
From the site:
We propose to share program information by building on existing syndication infrastructure. Specifically, we’ll add a number of namespaced elements as an extension to RSS. The value formats for these elements will be taken directly from XMLTV, a source of publically available program information.