Looks like suitable instructions for getting J2ME MIDP 2.0 development going on the Mac with Eclipse using the Mpowerplayer SDK.
This has been a long time in coming.. Let’s hope it works..
Category: Gadgets
Flash Lite “seems” interesting but..
flash lite application – Google Search
I can’t find any decent applications.. Someone tell me where to find the interesting Flash Lite apps, please..
Television Disrupted
Television Disrupted – The Transition from Network to Networked TV by
Shelly Palmer
Looks to be an interesting read. Guess we will find out in the near future.
From the site:
Television Disrupted The Transition from Network to Networked Television, follows the money and the technology that enables it. The book also looks at the business rules and legal issues that are having a huge impact on the future. File sharing, copyright laws, geographical form factors, temporal windows and much more. During the next few years, everything we know about the business of television is going to change – Television Disrupted The Transition from Network to Networked Television will serve as a guidebook and roadmap for the foreseeable future.
Mobile Monday NY Group
MobileMonday New York
MobileMonday New York is a community of NY metro area mobile professionals. The open community promotes the mobile industry and fosters cooperation and networking among industry people and their companies by providing opportunities for personal and virtual contacts.
Mobile DTV Alliance
:: Mobile DTV Alliance ::
A new consortium of companies pushing DVB-H in North America. I find this much more interesting than current TV on mobile devices as DVB-H has some nice interactive features. Unfortunately, I am not sure it will ever be accessible to independent content providers.
Mobile TV.. Yawn.
Cielo Group presentation at NATP Mobile
From the company that brings us MLB and NBA video products on phones.
This image from their ad campaign sums up my feelings:
They look a bit bored, don’t they..?
NYTimes wraps up current Mobile Social Software services
Making Connections, Here and Now – New York Times
Included are two that I have had a small hand in: Socialight and Dodgeball.
Nokia 770 – Looking for hackers to create a “killer app”
Nokia 770 as mobile innovation platform
From the article:
The Nokia 770 web pad lacks a “killer app” to make it useful on a daily basis, writes blogger Russell Beattie. However, the device is much more open than previously available mobile devices, and as a result could serve as the development platform for mobile innovation, Beattie suggests.
Bluetooth Remote Control
Miscellaneous Docs and Tools
Sony Ericsson has Bluetooth Remote Control software for their phones and Mac/Windows PCs as well as an API to go with it.
(Once again, I think I have linked to this in the past but I can’t find it so here it is again.)