My Trip to Liberty City
Jim Munroe
Author: vanevery
March 20th: The World Still Says No to War
Momentum is building across the globe for the Global Day of Action against War and Occupation on March 20, the one-year anniversary of the U.S. bombing and invasion of Iraq.
Digital Instrument Collection
Thanks to Ann for the link.
Creative Time
“presenting art where you least expect it”
Robot journalists
BBC News | SCI/TECH | Robo-reporter goes to war
From the article:
A robotic war correspondent that can get to places even veteran correspondent John Simpson cannot reach is being developed in the US.
The Afghan Explorer looks like a cross between a lawnmower and a robotic dog and has been designed to travel to war zones to provide images, sound and interviews from hostile environments off-limits to human reporters.
Thanks to Hans for the links.
Image Processing w/Java ConvolveOp and More
Filtering a BufferedImage
The Java 2D API defines several filtering operations for BufferedImage objects. Each image-processing operation is embodied in a class that implements the BufferedImageOp interface. The image manipulation is performed in the image operation’s filter method. The BufferedImageOp classes in the Java 2D API support
Getting that job at that software co.
Joel on Software – Getting Your Resume Read
Joel from Fog Creek writes:
I’ve been going through a big pile of applications for the summer internship positions at Fog Creek Software, and, I don’t know how to say this, some of them are really, really bad. This is not to say that the applicants are stupid or unqualified, although they might be. I’m never going to find out, because when I have lots of excellent applications for only two open positions, there’s really no need to waste time interviewing people that can’t be bothered to spell the name of my company right.
Move On’s Ad that isn’t being showed during the Superbowl due to CBS’ censorship
J2ME on the Mac
MIDP on Mac OS X
Java Extras on MacOS X
Developer – Frequently Asked Questions
Answer Q’s such as how do I get serial working with Java and can I do J2ME programming on the Mac?
From the site:
Welcome to the Mac OS X Java Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for developers. This page is intended to provide answers to frequently asked questions about the direction and current features of Java on Mac OS X, as well as common development questions and problems. Due to the high volume of email we receive, we cannot respond to every question or suggestion, but we are interested in what you have to say. If after reading the Java Developer FAQ, you still have a question, please contact us.